• September 2, 2023

About journal

Manuscript (ISSN 2949-3242) is an international, peer-reviewed, scientific, on-line journal of open access. The journal publishes scientific materials on history, philosophy and studies of art. The journal has been published since 2008. Materials are published in Russian and English.


Manuscript journal publishes the results of scientific researches covering the works on the history of Russia and foreign countries, history and theory of politics and international relations, history of science and technology development, archaeology and historiography, history of philosophy, and ontology of knowledge, philosophy of science and technology, philosophy of culture and religion, social and political philosophy, ethics, aesthetics and logic, cognitive processes, art and cultural studies. The publication is of interest to a wide range of specialists: historians, archaeologists, political scientists, philosophers, art scholars, cultural studies specialists. We also aim to encourage early-career scientists and researchers to publish their scientific results and reflections. So that they can get a great experience in publishing scientific articles, develop and improve their skills in academic writing.


Main research areas include (but are not limited to):

  • History of Russia
  • World history
  • Archaeology
  • Ethnology
  • Anthropology
  • Ethnography
  • Historiography
  • Source studies
  • Methods of historical research
  • Documentary, document and archival studies
  • History of science and technology
  • History and theory of politics
  • History of international relations and foreign policy
  • History of philosophy
  • Ontology and theory of knowledge
  • Philosophy of science and technology
  • Social and political philosophy
  • Philosophical anthropology
  • Philosophy of culture
  • Theory and history of culture
  • Philosophy of religion and religious studies
  • Aesthetics
  • Ethics
  • Logic
  • Interdisciplinary studies of cognitive processes
  • Cognitive modeling
  • Theory and history of art
  • Types of art
  • Museum studies
  • Сonservation and restoration of historical and cultural objects

Editorial team

The Editorial Team of the journal comprises the Editorial Board, Scientific Editors, Managing and Production Editors. The Editorial Board consists of the leading scholars conducting active scientific and research work related to the research areas of the journal. The editors are the staff members of Gramota Publishing and the professionals in their fields. The Editor-in-Chief heads the Editorial Board and manages the editors. The Editorial Team’s activity is aimed at implementing the effective editorial policy.


A. I. Demchenko, Dr in Art Studies, Prof., Department of History and Theory of Performance and Musical Pedagogy, Leading Researcher in Chief and Director of International Center of Complex Artistic Researches of Saratov State Conservatory (Academy); Department of Theory, History and Pedagogy of Art of Saratov State University.

Editorial board

Editorial policy

The Editorial Team pursues the policy aimed at the high scientific level of the journal and the effective promotion of scholarly information.


Each submitted article is reviewed. The process is single-blind, meaning that the author does not know the identity of the reviewer, but the reviewer knows the identity of the author. The reviewers assess a submitted manuscript for its originality, reliability of results and scientific significance and thus help the Editorial Team make a decision to either reject the manuscript, offer a revision or accept it for publication.

Peer-review process

Publication ethics

Publication ethics is a system of professional behavior norms that concern the relations of the authors, reviewers and editors when making scientific publications. The Editorial Team take the responsibility for observing ethical norms as to the publication process and spread of research results. We call upon all the participants of the publication process to follow these principles.

Publication ethics

COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)

Abstracting and indexing

  • Science Index (Russian Index of Science Citation)
  • Russian Scientific Electronic Library - ELIBRARY.RU
  • Crossref
  • Google Scholar
  • Ebsco
  • UlrichWeb
  • Cyberleninka

Benefits of publishing

High visibility of scientific articles. Thanks to the Open Access policy, the journal materials become highly visible and available for the worldwide public right after their publication without any limits (there is no subscription charge or registration request). This approach provides readers with a wide access to the publications, promotes citations and the authors’ credibility.

Сopyright flexibility. According to the Open Access policy of the journal, the authors retain rights to their articles. The published materials can be distributed without any restrictions provided that their authorship is indicated.

Efficiency and transparency of the publishing process. The processing and publication of the submitted manuscripts occur exclusively in electronic form. The journal's Editorial Team use specialized original software. This allows us to speed up the manuscript review process, maintain constant feedback with authors, and ultimately optimize the publication process.

Information for authors

Article-processing charges (APC)

Researchers from around the world have immediate, unrestricted access to the journal's materials for free and without the need to register. Authors undoubtedly benefit from this approach, but the journal's Editorial Team incurs expenses related to the first internal reviewing of the submitted manuscripts, technical copy editing, typesetting and graphics, publication, online hosting, archiving, and subsequent promotion of the published materials. In accordance with the Open Access model, the APC is paid by authors, their institutions, or funding bodies upon acceptance based on the reviewing results and scientific experts’ recommendations.

Article-processing charges (APC) information


Tel.: +7(910)755-97-92


Address: Russia, 392003, Tambov Oblast, Tambov-3, P.O. Box 4

GRAMOTA Publishing website