• Original research article
  • June 28, 2018
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the creative work of Dmitry Isidorovich Mitrokhin, whose 135th anniversary is celebrated in 2018. The object of the research is D. I. Mitrokhin’s works made in the woodcut technique and dedicated to the image of Leningrad-Petersburg. The subject of the study is the master’s creative work of the 1920-1930s considered in the context of Petersburg image evolution in the Russian artists’ woodcuts of the 1910-1930s, somehow affecting the theme of the city in their work. The author uses analytical, systemic-culturological, comparative and descriptive methods as the main research methods. The result of the study is the conclusion that D. I. Mitrokhin, with his Leningrad images made in xylography, finishes the evolutionary chain of the graphic images of Petersburg, which were created by the artists of the 1910-1930s in woodcut. The novelty of the study is that the author traces the evolution of the city images in the work of the woodcut masters of the 1910-1930s, who embodied it in their graphic works, simultaneously with D. I. Mitrokhin’s Leningrad xylographs.


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  7. Книга о Митрохине: статьи, письма, воспоминания / сост. Л. В. Чага; подгот. текста и примеч. И. Я. Васильевой; вступ. ст. Е. Левитина. Л.: Художник РСФСР, 1986. 503 с.
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Author information

Mariya Leonidovna Budeeva

Saint Petersburg

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 10, 2018.
  • Published: June 28, 2018.


  • Д. И. Митрохин
  • графика
  • ксилография
  • художник
  • Петербург
  • образ Петербурга
  • книжная графика
  • гравюра на дереве
  • городской пейзаж
  • Ленинград
  • эволюция образа
  • D. I. Mitrokhin
  • graphic arts
  • xylography
  • artist
  • Petersburg
  • Petersburg image
  • book graphics
  • woodcut
  • cityscape
  • Leningrad
  • image evolution


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© 2018 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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