• Original research article
  • August 30, 2018
  • Open access



The article discusses some philosophical and worldview problems generated by the system of NBIC technologies. The authors consider each component of this system briefly and consistently. After that, certain problems are highlighted, which are currently identified in the society and relate directly to the development of the system of NBIC technologies. According to the authors, such problems include, firstly, the problem of the formation of a new level of the society’s life, when the complete modification of one’s organism becomes available to a person; secondly, the problem of practical overcoming of death and prolongation of life, as a consequence, the meaningful transformation of the categories “life” and “death”; thirdly, the problem of human reproduction control; fourthly, the problem of creating artificial intelligence in the form of designing a digital brain interface. The designation of such problems allows the authors to conclude that the development of the NBIC technologies system not only changes but also improves the interdisciplinary connections of special scientific knowledge. Such changes take place at the global, general philosophical level. This fact explains the attention paid to the development of NBIC technologies not only by specialists in the technical sphere of science, but also by the humanities and social-science community.


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Author information

Aleksei Vadimovich Vasenkin

Irkutsk National Research Technical University

Nina Aleksandrovna Vasil’eva

Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A. A. Ezhevsky

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 23, 2018.
  • Published: August 30, 2018.


  • научно-техническая деятельность
  • NBIC-технологии
  • нанотехнологии
  • биотехнологии
  • информационные технологии
  • когнитивные исследования
  • постчеловек
  • иммортализм
  • бессмертие
  • искусственный интеллект
  • репродукция человека
  • scientific and technical activity
  • NBIC technologies
  • nanotechnologies
  • biotechnologies
  • information technologies
  • cognitive studies
  • posthuman
  • immortalism
  • immortality
  • artificial intelligence
  • human reproduction


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© 2018 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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