• Original research article
  • August 30, 2018
  • Open access



This work is devoted to the consideration of anti-systems, syncretic social and spiritual formations of destructive orientation. As an example, the authors analyze the religious and magic movement Umbanda, which arose in Brazil, has been operating there since transatlantic slave trade and syntheses Catholic and West African beliefs. By the example of the “republic” of Palmares the social realization of the anti-system project is studied. The emergence of an anti-system in a zone of the contact of diverse developed cultures is natural, but belonging of this or that person to an anti-system is always conditioned by personal choice.


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Author information

Stanislav Igorevich Sulimov

Voronezh State University

Roman Aleksandrovich Cherenkov

Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: June 24, 2018.
  • Published: August 30, 2018.


  • антисистема
  • синкретизм
  • умбанда
  • рабство
  • «республика» Палмарис
  • anti-system
  • syncretism
  • Umbanda
  • slavery
  • “republic” of Palmares


© 2018 The Author(s)
© 2018 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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