• Original research article
  • August 30, 2018
  • Open access



The article deals with the art criticism analysis of the book miniature of early medieval Germany as a phenomenon of the European culture, which received its artistic development starting from the reign of the emperors of the Ottonian dynasty in the middle of the X - the first half of the XI century. The research task is to define the general and the particular in the art of the book miniature that absorbed, on the one hand, the ancient and early medieval cultural impact of the Byzantine Empire, and, on the other hand, its own cultural and philosophical attitudes. It is identified that the early medieval German book miniature of the era of the Ottonian emperors, in the surviving artifacts such as Gospels, Psalters, Lectionaries, is full of images with expressive mimicry and gestures, dramatic effect of the plots that was dictated mainly by the general exaltation of the era. The practical significance of the article is in the determination of the common points of the public and artistic development of Germany and Russia, which constitute the Pan-European cultural space.


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Author information

Evgenii Vital'evich Kilimnik

Ural State University of Mining

Sergei Ivanovich Pechenkin

Ural State University of Mining

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 31, 2018.
  • Published: August 30, 2018.


  • скриптории
  • миниатюра
  • Евангелии
  • Псалтыри
  • Лекционарии
  • культура
  • Германия
  • раннее Средневековье
  • Византия
  • традиции
  • стиль
  • романское искусство
  • scriptoria
  • miniature
  • Gospels
  • Psalters
  • Lectionaries
  • culture
  • Germany
  • The Early Middle Ages
  • Byzantium
  • traditions
  • style
  • Romanesque art


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© 2018 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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