The article is developing a new research program under the conventional name “algosophy” (from the Greek “pain” and “wisdom”). The historical and genetic substantiation of this program is proposed as a way of overcoming the fundamental defect of New European thinking (starting with R. Descartes), namely, the substitution of the real suffering subject of cognition with the anesthetized nonhuman phantom construct. The excessive articulation of reasonableness as a generic characteristic of a man (homo sapiens) turns into the oblivion of the suffering nature of a man as his super-generic characteristic (homo dolorosus), the progressive dehumanization of scientific knowledge, the tragic imbalances of the technetronic era.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: July 26, 2018.
- Published: September 30, 2018.
- алгология
- алгософия
- научно-исследовательская программа
- страдание
- субъект познания
- философия боли
- философская антропология
- феномен боли
- algology
- algosophy
- research program
- suffering
- subject of cognition
- philosophy of pain
- philosophical anthropology
- phenomenon of pain
© 2018 The Author(s)
© 2018 Gramota Publishing, LLC