This article focuses on the outlines and specificity of the anarchist ontology of the body from the libertarian perspective, which is opposed to the Marxist tradition, on the one hand, and to the traditions of the right-wing discourse on the other hand. Within the context of the mentioned issues, the article attempts to reinterpret such phenomena as oppression, emancipation, body and subjectivity. Thus, it makes possible the reflection about the basic emancipation practices, which already exist in culture (for example, the ‘body positivity’ concept). In order to identify an optimal way to elaborate the specified issues, the article performs the inter-discourse analysis of the body philosophy in general (basing on Y. Mishima’s essay Sun and Steel , which conceptually constitutes a contrasting background for clarifying libertarian conceptions).
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: July 11, 2018.
- Published: September 30, 2018.
- онтология тела
- анархизм
- угнетение
- освобождение
- правый дискурс
- либертарная оптика
- ontology of body
- anarchism
- oppression
- emancipation
- right-wing discourse
- libertarian perspective
© 2018 The Author(s)
© 2018 Gramota Publishing, LLC