Neo-Grec belongs to the comparatively little studied neo-styles of the historicism period in national architectural heritage. In the article, the well-known monuments of architecture of Yessentuki of the beginning of the XX century are examined in the context of Neo-Grec style for the first time. The authors analyze their compositions and decor, emphasizing borrowings from ancient sources. Using the morphological approach and V. Ya. Propp’s method the authors differentiate the elements of the considered neo-style into constants and variables. This differentiation makes it possible to identify more clearly the place of a particular monument in the evolution of the neo-style and can be used for the research of any neo-style of the historicism period.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: July 15, 2018.
- Published: September 30, 2018.
- архитектура г. Ессентуки
- стиль неогрек
- метод В. Я. Проппа
- морфологический анализ
- константные и вариабельные элементы неостиля
- architecture of Yessentuki
- Neo-Grec style
- V. Ya. Propp’s method
- morphological analysis
- constant and variable elements of neo-style
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