Basing on the analysis of historiography, the thesis is disputed that the Tory party gained organizational unity only after a series of splits in 1827-1830 caused by granting political rights to dissenters and the Catholics’ emancipation. The author emphasizes that this was preceded by a long period of consolidation of the Tories (1760-1832), which was accompanied by the birth of their ideology and political identity. The paper shows that in the modern British historiography, more and more supporters have a view, according to which the split of 1832 was caused, first of all, by constitutional changes, and only then by the Tory party problems themselves.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: June 29, 2018.
- Published: November 30, 2018.
- Великобритания «долгого XVIII века»
- конституционное и политическое устройство
- партия тори
- историография британской партийно-политической системы
- «конституционная революция»
- Great Britain of the “long XVIII century”
- constitutional and political order
- the Tory party
- historiography of the British party-political system
- “constitutional revolution”
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