The article compares the personages of superhero comics in Russia and the USA. In particular, the study focuses on the personage of “post-human” as a successor of Nietzsche’s superman. The author provides the typology of a post-human in transoceanic comics and identifies similarities and differences between domestic superheroes and the American models: only in half of the cases the Russian personages can be considered as the models of a post-human similar to the American superhero, while the rest of domestic superheroes are different. Moreover, most of them are the spokesmen of the Russian humanism conception, so they can be considered the followers of the Russian literary tradition.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: July 15, 2018.
- Published: November 30, 2018.
- комикс
- «пост-человек»
- сверхчеловек
- супергерой
- Ницше
- транс-человек
- русский гуманизм
- comics
- post-human
- superman
- superhero
- Nietzsche
- trans-human
- Russian humanism
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