• Original research article
  • December 28, 2018
  • Open access



According to the authors, the term “Erastianism” presupposes not only the state control over the church but ecclesiastical apologetics of the existing authorities and social structure. The article is devoted to the poorly studied issue of how the Erastian paradigm, which dominated in the Church of England at the end of the XVIII - in the first third of the XIX century, was represented in church construction and architecture. The authors conclude that the Parliament’s allocation of 1 million pounds for church construction in 1818 was aimed to provide the rapidly growing population with the opportunity to hear the sermons that were to a large extent focused on the necessity to subordinate to the authorities. Such a utilitarian approach together with the tendency to economize finances resulted in the construction of churches lacking any architectural merits.


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Author information

Mikhail Stanislavovich Stetskevich

Saint Petersburg University

Tat'yana Vitautasovna Chumakova

Saint Petersburg University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 16, 2018.
  • Published: December 28, 2018.


  • эрастианизм
  • Церковь Англии
  • храмовая архитектура
  • Оксфордское движение
  • Кембриджское архитектурное общество
  • Erastianism
  • Church of England
  • church architecture
  • Oxford Movement
  • Cambridge Architectural Society


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