• Original research article
  • January 10, 2019
  • Open access



The article raises the problem of Russia’s sociocultural dynamics in the context of the opposition of modernity and archaism concepts. The authors examine such a destructive phenomenon as quasi-modernization. This phenomenon in its essence is no more than simulation of important social institutions development. The paper focuses on the problem of developing civil society and authorities’ social responsibility under the established traditions of paternalistic relations. The need for change and development is conditioned by the necessity to cease stagnation. At the same time paternalism is one of the basic archetypes. The problem of Russia’s retardation from the leading western countries is in many ways associated with the historical traditions based on the authoritarian management syndrome reinforced by paternalistic tendencies. Conservative ideology in Russia contradicts modernistic values. The Russian society tends to perceive secular-rational values considered as the key ones in the modern world.


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Author information

Evgeniy Anatol'evich Berezuev

Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University

Lyudmila Valentinovna Zvonareva

Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 9, 2018.
  • Published: January 10, 2019.


  • модернизация
  • гражданское общество
  • неофеодализм
  • патернализм
  • секуляризация
  • modernization
  • civil society
  • neo-feudalism
  • paternalism
  • secularization


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