• Original research article
  • June 10, 2019
  • Open access



The article examines inherent relations of the German, British and American branches of Bachology. For the first time the author summarizes the findings of the English-speaking (British and American) Bach scholars from the beginning of the XX century till nowadays. The paper describes different aspects of polemics on the problems of authorship, chronology, symbolism and pitch in the composer’s works. The study contains information on the American Bach Society, scientific periodicals (“Bach Perspectives”, “Bach: Journal of the Riemenschneider Bach Institute”, “Bach Notes” bulletin) and modern reference literature on Bachology.


  1. Бодки Э. Интерпретация клавирных произведений И. С. Баха / пер. с англ. А. Е. Майкапара. М.: Музыка, 1993. 388 с.
  2. Друскин М. Очерки. Статьи. Заметки. Л.: Сов. композитор, 1987. 304 с.
  3. Майстер Х. Музыкальная риторика: ключ к интерпретации произведений И. С. Баха / пер. с нем. Л. Шишхановой. М.: Классика-ХХI, 2009. 112 с.
  4. Шабалина Т. В. Рукописи И. С. Баха: ключи к тайнам творчества. СПб.: Logos, 1999. 439 с.
  5. Bach Perspectives. Lincoln - L.: University of Nebraska Press, 1998. Vol. 3. Creative Responses to Bach from Mozart to Hindemith / ed. by M. Marissen. 162 р.
  6. Bakker P. Postmoderne getallen. Ruth Tatlow over getalsverhoudingen in de geschreven muziek van Johann Sebastian Bach. Schraard: Kunst en Wetenschap, 2015. 28 S.
  7. Bodky E. The Interpretation of Bach’s Keyboard Works. Connecticut: Greenwood Press; Publisher Westport, 1960. 421 р.
  8. Boyd M. Bach Chorale Harmonization and Instrumental Counterpoint: in 2 parts. L.: Kahn and Averill, 1999. Part I. 39 p.; Part II. 39 p.
  9. Boyd M. Bach. The Master Musicians / series ed. by Stanley Sadie. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. 279 p.
  10. Bukofzer M. Musiс in the Baroque Era. From Monteverdi to Bach. N. Y.: Norton, 1947. 489 p.
  11. Carrell N. Bach the Borrower. L.: Allen & Unwin, 1967. 396 p.
  12. Crist St. The Early Works and the Heritage of the Seventeenth Century // The Cambridge Companion to Bach / ed. by John Butt. Cambridge, 1997. Р. 75-85.
  13. Dirksen P. Georg Bӧhm’s Keyboard Music: Questions of Authorship and Connections with the Music of J. S. Вach // Bach: Journal of the Riemenschneider Bach Institute. 2018. Vol. 49. № 1. Р. 93-115.
  14. Eggebrecht H. H. Bachs Kunst der Fuge: Erscheinung und Deutung. Munich, 1984. XVIII+141 S.
  15. Geiringer K. The Bach Family. Seven Generations of Creative Genius. L.: Allen & Unwin, 1954. 514 p.
  16. Hill R. S. Keyboard Music from the Andreas Bach Book and the Möller Manuscript / foreword by Chr. Wolff. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1991. 258 р.
  17. Kerman J. The Art of Fugue. Bach Fugues for Keyboard 1715-1750. Includes a CD with New Recording by Davitt Moroney and Karen Rosenak. Berkley - Los Angeles - L.: University of California Press, 2005. 173 p.
  18. Mann A. The Study of Fugue. The First History of Fugal Theory, Including Texts and Music of the Classical Treatises. N. Y.: Norton, 1965. 340 p.
  19. Marissen M. Bach & God. Oxford University Press, 2016. 288 p.
  20. Marshall R. L. The Music of Johann Sebastian Bach. The Sources, the Style, the Significance. N. Y.: Schirmer Books, 1989. 375 p.
  21. Meister H. Musikalische Rhetorik und ihre Bedeutung für das Verständnis barocker Musik, besonders der Musik J. S. Bachs. Regensburg: Feuchtinger & Gleichaft, 1995. 112 S.
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  24. Oldroyd G. The Technique and Spirit of the Fugue. Oxford - L. - N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 1948. 198 p.
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  29. Spitta Ph. Johann Sebastian Bach. His Work and Influence on the Music of Germany, 1685-1750: in 3 vols. / transl. by C. Bell and J. A. Fuller Maitland. L. - N. Y.: NOVELLO, Ewer and Co., 1899. Vol. I. 656 p.; Vol. II. 721 p.; Vol. III. 419 p.
  30. Tatlow R. Bach and the Riddle of the Number Alphabet. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. 186 p.
  31. Tatlow R. Bach’s Numbers: Compositional Proportion and Significance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 430 p.
  32. Terry Ch. S. Bach. The Historical Approach. L. - N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 1930. 157 р.
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Author information

Tat'yana Anatol'evna Svistunenko

Saratov State Conservatoire

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: March 25, 2019.
  • Published: June 10, 2019.


  • баховедение
  • родство и полемика
  • проблемы авторства
  • хронология
  • символика
  • высота тона
  • композиторы-предшественники
  • Американское Баховское общество
  • Bachology
  • agreement and disagreement
  • problems of authorship
  • chronology
  • symbolism
  • pitch
  • composers-predecessors
  • American Bach Society


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