• Original research article
  • October 21, 2019
  • Open access



The article considers the conception of the historical types of a “rebellious human” in the ideological heritage of the Russian sociologist, publicist, Narodnik movement ideologist N. K. Mikhaylovsky (1842-1904). His concern for this issue, which affects the philosophical and anthropological content of his worldview, fits well into the ethically and anthropologically justified theory of struggle for individuality, in which the Russian Narodnik laid foundations for the conception of a sovereign personality. The historical types of a “rebellious human” represented in Mikhaylovsky’s works - “outlaws” and “devotees” - are considered as universal. Applying to the artistic and philosophical heritage of the German writer and essayist Ernst Jünger (1895-1998), the author draws parallels between the historical types of a “rebellious human” in Mikhaylovsky’s theory and the forms of rebellion in the epoch of modernity and post-history.


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Author information

Aleksei Yur'evich Vyazinkin

Tambov State Technical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 4, 2019.
  • Published: October 21, 2019.


  • Н. К. Михайловский
  • «бунтующий человек»
  • суверенная личность
  • «борьба за индивидуальность»
  • русское народничество
  • социальная философия
  • философская антропология
  • историческая антропология
  • N. K. Mikhaylovsky
  • “rebellious human”
  • sovereign personality
  • struggle for individuality
  • Russian Narodnik movement
  • social philosophy
  • philosophical anthropology
  • historical anthropology


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