• Original research article
  • October 21, 2019
  • Open access



The article tackles the problem of interpreting the phenomenon of boredom in A. Schopenhauer’s and M. Heidegger’s works. This problem has not been previously investigated by domestic and foreign researchers. Analysing A. Schopenhauer’s views on the nature of boredom in the context of his metaphysical conception of will as a “thing in itself” and M. Heidegger’s interpretation of boredom as a fundamental mood, the researcher identifies evident similarities as well as historical and philosophical parallels in their interpretations.


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Author information

Aleksei Gennadievich Kornienko

Saint Petersburg University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 16, 2019.
  • Published: October 21, 2019.


  • скука
  • время
  • негативное удовольствие
  • страх
  • ужас
  • фундаментальное настроение
  • негативность Dasein
  • boredom
  • time
  • negative pleasure
  • fear
  • horror
  • fundamental mood
  • negativity
  • Dasein


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