• Original research article
  • November 22, 2019
  • Open access



The article is devoted to studying Franz Schubert’s piano variations, a poorly investigated sphere of the composer’s creative work. These compositions are considered in the context of the genre development and through the lenses of the development of Schubert’s conception of the variational cycle. Analysing these musical pieces, the researcher traces relation with Beethoven’s tradition of variational composition. The comparative analysis method is applied to compare variational compositions of the two composers who were almost contemporaries. Special attention is paid to dramaturgic peculiarities of Schubert’s variations.


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  7. Deutsch O. E. Schubert und die Königin Hortense // Österreichische Musikzeitung 28. 1973. Heft 3. S. 121-124.
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Author information

Evgenii Ivanovich Maksimov

Moscow P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: September 18, 2019.
  • Published: November 22, 2019.


  • Шуберт
  • вариации
  • вариационный цикл
  • тема
  • развитие
  • F. Schubert
  • variations
  • variational cycle
  • theme
  • development


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© 2019 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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