• Original research article
  • December 31, 2019
  • Open access



The article analyses L. Wittgenstein’s philosophical life. Using Wittgenstein’s philosophical search as an example, the paper considers aesthetics of philosophical life in culture, justifies the existential function of philosophy - to help an individual to improve his life through self-cognition and self-criticism. Wittgenstein’s philosophy is not just a theory, it is life practice. The researcher concludes that Wittgenstein’s aesthetic model of philosophy includes the following basic characteristics: aspiration for self-improvement, courage and service to the society. It is emphasized that Wittgenstein’s philosophical conceptions should be considered as an integral element of the philosopher’s inner world.


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Author information

Evgeniya Evgen'evna Medvedeva

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 15, 2019.
  • Published: December 31, 2019.


  • Витгенштейн
  • форма жизни
  • философская жизнь
  • эстетическая модель
  • произведение искусства
  • гений
  • жизненная практика
  • саморазвитие
  • L. Wittgenstein
  • form of life
  • philosophical life
  • aesthetic model
  • work of art
  • genius
  • life practice
  • self-development


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