• Original research article
  • January 31, 2020
  • Open access

Ontological and Gnoseological Limits of Intuitive Cognition


Relying on the conceptions by N. Hartmann, I. D. Levin and Ayn Rand, the author identifies ontological and gnoseological limits of intuitive cognition. Within the theory of creativity, P. K. Engelmeyer revealed the place of intuition in the structure of technical activity. Within the framework of the categorial model of the principle of sufficient reason, the paper examines types of intuitive cognition. The research objective includes ascertaining the basic parameters of intuitive cognition with a view to identify onto-gnoseological limits of intuition. The result of the presented research is identification of ontological and gnoseological limits of intuitive cognition, which allows developing attributive structure of intuition.


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Author information

Artur Eduardovich Bakhmet'ev

Samara National Research University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: January 15, 2019.
  • Published: January 31, 2020.


  • интуиция
  • интуибельность
  • гносеология
  • познание
  • изобретение
  • разум
  • чувство
  • intuition
  • intuibility
  • gnoseology
  • cognition
  • invention
  • reason
  • sense


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