Development of Human Language Ability in the Process of Anthroposociogenesis
The article examines unique features of the human language, considers approaches to the problem of origin of the human language ability. Relying on culturological and genetic data, the author concludes about stage-by-stage evolution of speech from the pidgin to the creole language. The most intensive language development occurred at the turn of the Mousterian - Châtelperronian - Aurignacian epochs and was conditioned by atypical interspecific interaction of the ancient people and the Neanderthal men. The researcher emphasizes that under the influence of the Neanderthal men, the ancient people came to suggestive interaction. As a result, signals of the first signal system were suppressed by the forming second signal system.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: February 10, 2020.
- Published: March 31, 2020.
- языковая способность
- вторая сигнальная система
- пиджин
- суггестия
- межвидовое взаимодействие
- language ability
- second signal system
- pidgin
- suggestion
- interspecific interaction
© 2020 The Author(s)
© 2020 Gramota Publishing, LLC