Trinity Image in M. V. Nesterov’s Painting: Specificity of Artistic Language and Religious and Philosophical Interpretations
The article for the first time examines interpretation of the Trinity image in M. V. Nesterov’s painting with a view to identify specificity of artistic language and philosophical content, vectors of spiritual and artistic influence, peculiarities of religious and philosophical interpretations. Analysing poorly investigated artworks, the researcher traces influence of the Old Russian, Byzantine, Italian art, academic, realistic, modernistic trends, reveals impact of the Russian philosophical thought on the painter’s religious and philosophical attitudes. The conclusion is made that M. V. Nesterov interpreted the Trinity dogma from the viewpoint of the philosopher and the painter-innovator.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: February 14, 2020.
- Published: March 31, 2020.
- образ Троицы
- преемственность традиций
- реализм
- специфика художественного языка
- синтезированный характер творчества
- академическое искусство
- религиозно-философские трактовки
- Trinity image
- continuity of traditions
- realism
- specificity of artistic language
- synthetic nature of creative work
- academic art
- religious and philosophical interpretations
© 2020 The Author(s)
© 2020 Gramota Publishing, LLC