Ontology of Liu Sanji Myth in Works of the Modern Chinese Researchers
The article provides a historiographical survey of scientific works on ontology of Liu Sanji myth in the Chinese art. The paper considers interpretation of Liu Sanji image in recent studies in the sphere of history, religion, folklore, literature and music. The interdisciplinary approach has allowed identifying stages of the cultic mythological image evolution from a forest fairy, a peasant woman, a struggler for justice to a wise goddess. Common features are associated with the prototype of an ideal woman and express aspiration of the Chinese people for the better world under conditions of the changing reality.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: February 12, 2020.
- Published: March 31, 2020.
- Лю Санджи
- миф
- история
- искусство Китая
- художественный образ
- фольклор
- литература
- нация
- этнос
- песни Гуанси
- Liu Sanji
- myth
- history
- Chinese art
- artistic image
- folklore
- literature
- nation
- ethnos
- Guangxi songs
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