• Original research article
  • April 30, 2020
  • Open access

Problems of Crimea’s Integration into the Russian Economic, Legal and Cultural Space after Its Attachment to Russia in 1783


The article examines efforts of Catherine the Great and Prince Grigory Potemkin to control and develop the Crimean Peninsula after its attachment to Russia in 1783. The author analyses a set of concrete measures: strengthening the defence potential of the Russian army and navy, resettling people from other regions of Russia and foreign states to Crimea, creating hardware enterprises, building new cities. The emphasis is made on the issue of legitimization of the Russian power and creating the atmosphere of religious tolerance in multinational and multi-confessional Crimea.


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  3. Каррер д’Анкосс Э. Екатерина II. Золотой век в истории России / пер. с фр. М.: РОССПЭН, 2006. 448 c.
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  8. Павленко Н. И. Екатерина Великая. Изд-е 3-е, перераб. и доп. М.: Проспект, 2017. 512 c.
  9. Платонов С. Ф. Полный курс лекций по русской истории. М.: АСТ; АСТ МОСКВА, 2008. 861 с.
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Author information

Mikhail Vasil'evich Zherebkin

Humanities and Education Science Academy (Branch) of V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: February 29, 2020.
  • Published: April 30, 2020.


  • Екатерина II
  • Потемкин
  • Крымский полуостров
  • черноморский флот
  • Севастополь
  • «потемкинские деревни»
  • Catherine the Great
  • Grigory Potemkin
  • Crimean peninsula
  • The Black Sea Fleet
  • Sevastopol
  • “Potemkin villages”


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© 2020 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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