• Original research article
  • April 30, 2020
  • Open access

Memphite Sacerdotal Decree: Sources and Historiography


The research is devoted to the source analysis of the hieroglyphic, Demotic and Greek versions of the Egyptian priests’ decree in Memphis. A synode assembly was gathered to celebrate Ptolemy’s V victory over the rebels and announce tax cuts for citizens and temples. The main historical source for that event is the famous Rosetta stone, all known ancient copies of the text have been studied. The first part of the research presents a description of the sources of this decree and a critical review of the editions, studies and translations.


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Author information

Maxim Vyacheslavovich Panov


About this article

Publication history

  • Received: February 24, 2020.
  • Published: April 30, 2020.


  • Розеттский камень
  • эллинистический Египет
  • Птолемей V
  • Мемфис
  • Фиваида
  • Rosetta stone
  • Hellenistic Egypt
  • Ptolemy V
  • Memphis
  • Thebaid


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