• Original research article
  • May 29, 2020
  • Open access

Architectural Specifics of Iran Sunni and Shia Mosques


The study aims to examine impact of Iran religious beliefs on architectural and spatial structure of the Muslim temple buildings belonging to the Sunni and Shia religious denominations. The work is devoted to analysing, for the first time in science, the volume-spatial composition of the Shia mosques compared to that of the Sunni ones in Iran architecture. The article is novel in that it studies architectural specifics dictated by peculiarities of the Sunni and Shia cults. The results show that the main distinctive feature separating the Shia mosques from the Sunni ones is precise organisation of believers’ movements inside a mosque achieved by a number of architectural techniques reviewed in the article.


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Author information

Daroudi Aysan

Saint Petersburg University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 1, 2020.
  • Published: May 29, 2020.


  • архитектура Ирана
  • мечеть
  • шиитские мечети
  • суннитские мечети
  • архитектурно-пространственная структура мечети
  • Iran architecture
  • mosque
  • Shia mosques
  • Sunni mosques
  • mosque’s architectural and spatial structure


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