• Original research article
  • June 26, 2020
  • Open access

Modern Public Diplomacy of the USA: Issues and Developmental Characteristics


The study aims to identify characteristics and tendencies in the development of the American public diplomacy during D. Trump’s presidency. The article analyses the processes of its functioning and realisation as a foreign policy factor. Scientific novelty of the research lies in studying new developmental trends in this particular sphere basing on the United States of America’s official documentation. The attained results have revealed that due to D. Trump’s disinterest in promoting “soft power” his country’s public diplomacy is developing on a standalone basis by creating a parallel informational field. The article determines significance of the President’s and the Secretary of State’s personalities in the considered processes.


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Author information

Izabella Vladimirovna Fedorova

Saint Petersburg University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 29, 2020.
  • Published: June 26, 2020.


  • публичная дипломатия
  • информационная политика
  • пропаганда
  • «мягкая сила»
  • США
  • президент Д. Трамп
  • Госдепартамент
  • Р. Тиллерсон
  • М. Помпео
  • Конгресс
  • public diplomacy
  • informational policy
  • propaganda
  • “soft power”
  • The USA
  • President D. Trump
  • The US Department of State
  • R. Tillerson
  • M. Pompeo
  • The US Congress


© 2020 The Author(s)
© 2020 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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