• Original research article
  • June 26, 2020
  • Open access

Ethical Content of the Term “Care” (in the Context of the Comparative Analysis of Religious and Feminist Ethics)


The study aims to identify and theoretically ascertain differences in the ethical content of the term “care” in religious and feminist ethics basing on such characteristics as the role of the transcendental ideal in providing care, the nature of interaction between a subject and an object of care. Scientific novelty of the research lies in a comprehensive analysis of the distinctive features characterising the term “care” in the context of contrasting them within the framework of religious and feminist ethics. The identified distinctive features determine the ethical content of the term “care” depending on a particular type of ethics and can serve as a methodological basis for conducting philosophical, social, psychological and pedagogical research.


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Author information

Vladimir Vladimirovich Volodin

Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 27, 2020.
  • Published: June 26, 2020.


  • забота
  • религия
  • бог
  • этика
  • мораль
  • нравственность
  • феминизм
  • care
  • religion
  • God
  • ethics
  • morals
  • morality
  • feminism


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