Images of Wales in K. Jenkins’s Creative Work: On the Issue of Cultural Memory Constructing
The study aims to identify general patterns in K. Jenkins’s compositions related to the Welsh culture and history. Among them are “Over the Stone”, “In These Stones Horizons Sing”, “The Bards of Wales”, “Dewi Sant” and other pieces. The works are described chronologically, special attention is given to images-symbols implemented in them. The author analyses means of musical expressiveness, outlines musical and cultural traditions guiding the composer. The research is novel in that the listed works for the first time become a subject of study in the Russian science. As a result, it was found that, depicting images connected to his native land, the composer uses means of expressiveness peculiar to the Welsh music. They are combined with elements of musical styles belonging to various ethnic groups, historical periods, mainstream music, which is typical of the composer. The results of the conducted study can be used in further research on K. Jenkins’s creative work.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: July 3, 2020.
- Published: August 31, 2020.
- К. Дженкинс
- традиционная музыка Уэльса
- культурная память
- современная вокально-инструментальная музыка
- K. Jenkins
- traditional music of Wales
- cultural memory
- modern vocal-instrumental music
© 2020 The Author(s)
© 2020 Gramota Publishing, LLC