• Original research article
  • November 3, 2020
  • Open access

Reproductive Intentions of the Modern Russian Population of the Republic of Tatarstan (by the Material of Ethno-Sociological Survey)


The research objective includes analysing reproductive intentions of the modern Russian population of the Republic of Tatarstan from the viewpoint of ethno-demography. The study is based on the materials of an ethno-sociological survey conducted among the Russian population of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2019. The survey addressed the following issues: ideal number of children, wanted number of children and expected number of children. Scientific originality of the paper involves a comprehensive analysis of reproductive behaviour through the prism of the Russian traditional culture and modern social-cultural situation. The findings indicate that reproductive intentions of the modern Russian population are formed on the basis of economic, social and psychological intentions.


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Author information

Tatiana Alekseevna Titova

Kazan Federal University

Nadezhda Sergeevna Krot

Kazan Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 18, 2020.
  • Published: November 3, 2020.


  • репродуктивные установки
  • русское население Республики Татарстан
  • этнодемография
  • этносоциологическое исследование
  • традиционная культура
  • reproductive intentions
  • Russian population of the Republic of Tatarstan
  • ethno-demography
  • ethno-sociological survey
  • traditional culture


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