Correlation between the Ethical and the Aesthetic in Artistic Culture: Versions of New Moralism, Autonomism and Cognitivism in Modern Anglo-American Philosophy of Art
The study aims to identify the phenomena of new moralism and cognitivism in the modern Anglo-American philosophy of art. The article provides a critical review of the publications devoted to studying interaction between ethical and aesthetic aspects of works of art, examines concepts with the focus on the questions of whether it is acceptable to make moral assessments of art, as well as whether moral assessments can refer to aesthetic qualities of works of art. Scientific novelty of the research lies in identifying the problematic area of art and structuring it through disposition of ethical and aesthetic values. As a result, it is proved that ethical and aesthetic aspects present themselves in the modern artistic and cultural situation as the positions that are mutually attracted and repulsed rather than as different and independent values.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: September 18, 2020.
- Published: November 3, 2020.
- новый морализм
- когнитивизм
- этическое
- эстетическое
- англо-американская философия искусства
- new moralism
- cognitivism
- the ethical
- the aesthetic
- Anglo-American philosophy of art
© 2020 The Author(s)
© 2020 Gramota Publishing, LLC