Identity Concept Functioning in Jacques Lacan’s Discourse
The research objective is as follows: to reveal specificity of the identity concept functioning in Jacques Lacan’s discourse relying on an analysis of the “subject” category and the key notions of his psychoanalytic theory. The article traces origins of Lacan’s psychoanalytic conception, identifies content of the concept “subject”, shows that the mirror stage determines subjectivity formation, examines the identity concept. Scientific originality of the study involves justifying the thesis that Lacan’s conception of identity correlates with the subjectivity formation process, and the subject position is interpreted in terms of “me” and “the other”. The conducted research allows concluding that Lacan introduces paradox of identity: “me” conception forms only through aspiration to become “the other” so as to compensate the lack.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 23, 2020.
- Published: December 30, 2020.
- бессознательное
- идентичность
- субъект
- другой
- стадия зеркала
- the unconscious
- identity
- subject
- “the other”
- mirror stage
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