Ontognoseological Meaning of Anthropic Principle and Issue of Reasonable Reality
The purpose of the study is to attain apodictically reliable criteria for understanding reasonable reality from the standpoint of the anthropic principle. The article offers a concept of one-to-one correspondence between classical understanding of reasonable reality and two versions of the anthropic principle. Limits of system-formation regarding the issue of unity of being and thinking are set. Scientific novelty of the research lies in transforming graduation and stratification of aporetics into the doctrine of “double eternity” according to the distinction theory. The attained results have revealed the system-forming function of opposition between anamnesis and hysteresis from the standpoint of the anthropic principle in the context of ontognoseological essentialism.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 22, 2020.
- Published: December 30, 2020.
- разумная действительность
- антропный принцип
- анамнезис
- гистерезис
- онтогносеологический эссенциализм
- reasonable reality
- anthropic principle
- anamnesis
- hysteresis
- ontognoseological essentialism
© 2020 The Author(s)
© 2020 Gramota Publishing, LLC