• Original research article
  • May 31, 2021
  • Open access

Ecclesiastical Courts in Tudor and Early Stuart England: Position and Jurisdiction


The purpose of the study is to determine the position of ecclesiastical courts in Tudor and Early Stuart England. The article pays special attention to subject-matter jurisdiction of ecclesiastical courts in that period according to the main types of legal relations on the basis of a diverse source base and modern research. Scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time in the Russian medieval studies, subject-matter jurisdiction of the English ecclesiastical courts in the XVI - early XVII century was comprehensively investigated. As a result, it is proved that ecclesiastical courts remained an effective system of judicial proceedings in Tudor and Early Stuart England, they were able to expand their own jurisdiction and were closely integrated into structures of the society’s everyday life.


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Author information

Sergei Sergeevich Lazarev

Saint Petersburg State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 6, 2021.
  • Published: May 31, 2021.


  • церковные суды
  • юрисдикция
  • тюдоровская и раннестюартовская Англия
  • ecclesiastical courts
  • jurisdiction
  • Tudor and Early Stuart England


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