• Original research article
  • July 30, 2021
  • Open access

Reappropriation. Postanarchism as Politics of Anti-Politics


The purpose of the study is to analyse the notion of the politics of anti-politics formulated by the postanarchist theorist S. Newman. The article sheds light on the semantic core of the paradoxical anarchist synthesis of politics and anti-politics, which is reflected in a number of protest socio-political movements of modern times. Scientific novelty of the study is associated with both criticism and defence of postanarchist attitudes aimed at rethinking and assigning an alternative meaning to the notion of politics. The result amounts to an interim conclusion about inevitability of micro-political and “anti-political” practices in the context of appropriation and bureaucratisation of the political by the state.


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The reported study was funded by the Transbaikal Institute of Railway Transport, internal grant № 98-гр, project “Radical political thought of the XXI century: Postanarchism, post-Marxism, accelerationism”.

Author information

Dmitry Borisovich Polyakov


Transbaikal Institute of Railway Transport - Branch of the Irkutsk State University of Ways of Communication

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: June 18, 2021.
  • Published: July 30, 2021.


  • постанархизм
  • С. Ньюман
  • антиполитическая политика
  • префигурация
  • будущее
  • postanarchism
  • S. Newman
  • politics of anti-politics
  • prefiguration
  • the future


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