• Original research article
  • September 30, 2021
  • Open access

“The Personal Is Political”: Key Provisions of the Feminist Methodology for Analysing Social Processes


The paper aims to identify features of the feminist methodology as one of the concepts of studying social processes. Starting from the classic quotation “The personal is political” by C. Hanisch, the author presents the logic of creating a fundamentally different research methodology that refuses to obtain absolute, reliable and universal knowledge. The paper examines its main differences from the positivist methodology, the features of using qualitative and quantitative research methods. Scientific novelty lies in carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the philosophical and methodological features of the feminist approach to analysing social phenomena. As a result, it has been determined that the consideration of an issue proceeding not only from the particular to the general but also from the individual reflection to the political one is peculiar to the feminist methodology.


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Author information

Sophia Vladimirovna Batsanova


Belgorod State Technological University named after V. G. Shukhov

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 12, 2021.
  • Published: September 30, 2021.


  • философия науки
  • методология исследования
  • феминизм
  • гендерные исследования
  • социальные явления
  • philosophy of science
  • research methodology
  • feminism
  • gender studies
  • social phenomena


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