• Original research article
  • November 15, 2021
  • Open access

Multifunctional Complexes as one of the Trends in the Organization of Modern Comfortable Environment


The aim of the study is to generalize the modern design practice in the urban environment, namely, the emergence of a large number of multifunctional complexes. The originality of the research lies in the analysis of the problem of designing modern comfortable urban environment, which affects the development of these types of buildings. The subject of the research is the historical preconditions for the formation and spread of multifunctional complexes. The article outlines the main advantages of polyfunctional complexes over monofunctional ones - efficiency and environmental friendliness, flexibility and safety. An integrated design approach allows achieving better synergy of all structures and spaces, which makes the entire environment as a whole more comfortable. As a result, the principles of the formation of multifunctional complexes were revealed - the environmental principle, the principle of polystylistics, or stylistic diversity, the use of connecting structures in the form of communicative and recreational spaces, the organization of a cultural and public zone to attract visitors and to separate their flows.


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Author information

Natalia Ivanovna Barsukova


National Design Institute, Moscow

Irina Valerievna Zhukova

National Design Institute, Moscow

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 11, 2021.
  • Published: November 15, 2021.


  • многофункциональные комплексы
  • комфортная среда
  • город
  • дизайн
  • средовой подход
  • multifunctional complexes
  • comfortable environment
  • town
  • design
  • environmental approach


© 2021 The Author(s)
© 2021 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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