• Original research article
  • November 20, 2021
  • Open access

Russian Mission at the Persian Court during the Shah’s Campaign against Herat in 1837-1838


The study aims to trace and clarify the role of the Russian diplomatic mission in Persia, headed from 1832 to 1838 by Count I. O. Simonich, in general and his personal role in particular in the 1837-1838 Herat crisis, including Ya. V. Vitkevich’s diplomatic tour of Afghanistan and his negotiations with the Afghan rulers in an attempt to regulate their relationship with the Persian Shah during the Siege of Herat. Scientific novelty of the study lies in adopting a somewhat new, i.e. more balanced view of the place and role of the Russian mission at the Qajar court, including its direct presence under the walls of besieged Herat and actual assistance to the Shah in his siege, taking into account sources newly introduced into scientific use. As a result, the researcher has refuted the point of view prevailing in historiography, primarily British, about I. O. Simonich’s mission actively inciting the Shah to operate against the Herat ruler Kamran-Mirza; has clarified its position regarding this issue as balanced and cautious, denying the need for the Persian Shah to conduct an immediate military operation against Herat in 1837.


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Author information

Vitaly Vyacheslavovich Maryutkin

Bashkir State University; Salavat Industrial College, Ufa

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 19, 2021.
  • Published: November 20, 2021.


  • И. О. Симонич
  • Я. В. Виткевич
  • И. Ф. Бларамберг
  • Герат
  • Элдред Поттинджер
  • I. O. Simonich
  • Ya. V. Vitkevich
  • I. F. Blaramberg
  • Herat
  • Eldred Pottinger


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© 2021 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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