• Original research article
  • November 20, 2021
  • Open access

A. McGrath’s Critical-Realistic Methodology of Dialogue between Science and Religion


The paper aims to reveal the specificity and characteristic features of R. Bhaskar’s critical realism methodology used by A. McGrath in the development of the problem of the dialogue between science and religion. The article presents the analysis of the grounds for A. McGrath’s use of Bhaskar’s version of critical realism in the dialogue between science and religion, shows the specificity and difficulties of the transition from realism in science to realism in religion, limited application of critical realism in theology. The scientific originality of the research consists in the complex analysis of the methodology of Bhaskar’s version of critical realism used by A. McGrath in building the dialogue between science and religion. As a result, it has been proved that even though A. McGrath’s critical realism can serve as a bridge in the dialogue between scientific and religious view of the world, its role in this dialogue is limited because of a priori theological character of McGrath’s perception of nature.


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The reported study was funded by the RFBR according to research project № 21-011-44038 “Fundamental themes in the dialogue between science and religion”.

Author information

Dmitry Viktorovich Kiryanov


Tobolsk Theological Seminary

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 16, 2021.
  • Published: November 20, 2021.


  • А. Макграт
  • Р. Бхаскар
  • критический реализм
  • наука и религия
  • философия науки
  • A. McGrath
  • R. Bhaskar
  • critical realism
  • science and religion
  • philosophy of science


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© 2021 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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