• Original research article
  • November 20, 2021
  • Open access

Lev Shestov’s Philosophy of “Double Vision” and Georges Bataille’s Phenomenon of Ecstasy: Philosophical Experience of Transgression


The paper aims to formulate the specificity of the influence of L. Shestov’s philosophy on G. Bataille’s way of thinking; to carry out the analysis of the notions of sexuality, eroticism in G. Bataille’s philosophical experience of transgression which opens a negative way to the experience-limit of ecstasy; to identify the philosophers of poststructuralism and deconstruction whose works were influenced by G. Bataille’s works. The scientific originality of the research is determined by the following: firstly, the article shows that turning to L. Shestov’s philosophy and his category of “double vision” is crucial for interpretation of values in G. Bataille’s philosophy in line with the transgressive experience, “groundlessness” and overthrowing of idealism; secondly, it shows that the deeper meaning of the phenomenon “ecstasy” is revealed by G. Bataille through the doctrine of “coincidence of extremes” which characterizes the paradoxical orientation of his thought developed from iconoclastic “overthrowing” of divinity and the values of “higher order”. As a result, it has been shown that G. Bataille’s ideas become a kind of a critical reserve for many of his followers in the modern philosophy.


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Author information

Victoria Alexandrovna Lezer


Industrial University of Tyumen

Albina Radikovna Ishniyazova

South Ural State University (Nizhnevartovsk branch)

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 15, 2021.
  • Published: November 20, 2021.


  • экстаз
  • трансгрессия
  • философия беспочвенности
  • двойное зрение
  • деконструкция
  • ecstasy
  • transgression
  • philosophy of groundlessness
  • double vision
  • deconstruction


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© 2021 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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