• Original research article
  • November 30, 2022
  • Open access

Pre-Islamic Motives in the Interior of Umayyad Palaces Quseir Amra and Mshatta (661-750 A.D.)


The article analyses interior decorative elements in Quseir Amra and Mshatta Palaces in Jordan in the aspect of interaction of regional historical and cultural traditions. The authors reveal the specificity of palace interior space in the context of ideological and artistic programs of a multicultural and multi-confessional region, and herein lies the scientific originality of the study. The findings allow concluding that religious and cultural syncretism played a key role at the early stage of Muslim community development, which determined the uniqueness of Umayyad architecture. Multiculturalism and multi-confessionalism promoted artistic solutions based on a synthesis of recent and ancient artistic traditions.


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Author information

Ali Salem Hussein Alshurman

Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Design and Applied Arts

Igor Ivanovich Orlov


Lipetsk State Technical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 10, 2022.
  • Published: November 30, 2022.


  • исламская культура
  • Иордания
  • замок Кусейр Амра
  • замок Мшатта
  • фрески
  • Islamic culture
  • Jordan
  • Quseir Amra Palace
  • Mshatta Palace
  • frescoes


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