• Original research article
  • December 26, 2022
  • Open access

Choral Works by Shamil Sharifullin as an Impetus to the Development of Professional Choral Music in Tatarstan


The paper analyses the way of creating unique choral compositions by the talented Tatar composer of the XX century Shamil Sharifullin. The aim of the study is to shed light on the features of Shamil Sharifullin’s choral creative work, which served as an impetus to the development of professional choral music in the Republic of Tatarstan. The authors have determined the relationship of the composer with national folklore and the methods of mutual enrichment of folk and professional music in the choral genre by Sh. Sharifullin, which accounts for the scientific novelty of the study. As a result, it has been proved that Sh. Sharifullin’s original choral compositions opened up new opportunities for the development of Tatar choral art in the future.


  1. Маклыгин А. Шарифуллин Шамиль // Композиторы Татарстана / науч. ред. З. Н. Сайдашева; сост.: Т. А. Алмазова, М. П. Файзулаева, Р. Г. Усеинова. М.: Композитор, 2009.
  2. Навстречу IV съезду Союза композиторов РСФС // Советская музыка. 1979. № 3.
  3. Титова Н. Народная музыка – это виртуальный музей // Восточный экспресс. 2004. 16 апреля.
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Author information

Margarita Pavlovna Faizulaeva


Kazan State Institute of Culture

El’vira Shafigullovna Galiullina

Kazan State Institute of Culture

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 10, 2022.
  • Published: December 26, 2022.


  • татарская народная музыка
  • мунаджат
  • обработка фольклорного напева
  • хоровой концерт
  • хоровая кантата
  • татарская профессиональная музыка
  • Tatar folk music
  • munajat
  • treatment of folklore tunes
  • choral concert
  • choral cantata
  • Tatar professional music


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