• Original research article
  • March 31, 2023
  • Open access

Soloist-vocalist and conductor: Facets of creative interaction


The aim of the study is to shed light on the facets of effective interaction in the creative process of the soloist-vocalist and the conductor. The paper considers performing interpretation as a multi-level process that is organic and unhindered when it comes to solo performance, in the case of collective music-making, this process is complicated due to multiple ideas of each of the musicians. The initial uniqueness of the individual vision of musical images and the means of their embodiment creates a conflict situation and suggests the need for a compromise approach to the creation of a performing concept, which is regulated by the head of the ensemble, i.e. the conductor. The scientific novelty lies in the clear formulation of the basic principles of interaction between musicians, which contribute to reaching greater artistic heights in collective musical activity. As a result, it has been determined that it is necessary to develop a common joint concept of the work performed in order to ensure the effective interaction of the soloist-vocalist and the conductor in the process of collective musical activity.


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Author information

Timur Alikovich Guazov

North Caucasus State Institute of Arts, Nalchik

Lejlya Eduardovna Gurtueva

North Caucasus State Institute of Arts, Nalchik

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: February 7, 2023.
  • Published: March 31, 2023.


  • дирижёр
  • солист-вокалист
  • исполнительская интерпретация
  • сольное исполнение
  • коллективные музицирование
  • принципы взаимодействия музыкантов
  • conductor
  • soloist-vocalist
  • performing interpretation
  • solo performance
  • collective music-making
  • principles of interaction between musicians


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