• Essay
  • October 3, 2023
  • Open access

The Russian musical art of the early XX century: Expansio


The essay is devoted to the consideration of such a phenomenon as the aggressiveness complex in the history of the Russian musical art of the early XX century. The author focuses on the peculiarities of formation and development of the phenomenon in question in I. Stravinsky’s, S. Prokofiev’s works. In particular, the manifestations of aggressiveness in Stravinsky’s ballet “The Rite of Spring” (1913) are analysed in detail. In addition, attention is paid to musical grotesque, which came into contact with the aggressiveness complex in certain manifestations, in the works of Russian composers of the early XX century. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that it is important to note the mood of the early XX century itself, its tendency to such manifestations, which resulted from time to time in breakthroughs of open extremism: one of the missions of this century was to open the gateway to the flow of aggressiveness, negativism, rigidity and alienation. That is why it is necessary to reflect not so much on art as on reality itself, which put forward such phenomena that were reflected in the mirror of artistic creativity.


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  3. Гюго В. Собрание сочинений: в 15-ти т. М.: Госиздат художественной литературы, 1956. Т. 14.
  4. Нестьев И. Жизнь Сергея Прокофьева. М.: Сов. композитор, 1973.
  5. Пушкин А. Полное собрание сочинений: в 10-ти т. М.: Изд-во Академии наук СССР, 1958. Т. 7.
  6. Современные проблемы советской музыки. Л.: Сов. композитор, 1983.
  7. Шестов Л. Добро в учении гр. Толстого и Ф. Ницше (послесловие В. В. Ерофеева) // Вопросы философии. 1990. № 7.

Author information

Aleksandr Ivanovich Demchenko


International Center of Complex Artistic Research; Saratov State Conservatory

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 18, 2023.
  • Published: October 3, 2023.


  • музыкальное искусство России начала XX века
  • комплекс агрессивности
  • экспансивность
  • музыкальный гротеск
  • балет «Весна священная» И. Стравинского
  • Russian musical art of the early XX century
  • aggressiveness complex
  • expansiveness
  • musical grotesque
  • ballet “The Rite of Spring” by I. Stravinsky


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