• Original research article
  • November 24, 2023
  • Open access

Finnish opera in search of a national hero


The paper addresses the history of the formation of such a phenomenon in European musical art in the late XIX century – the first half of the XX century as Finnish national opera. The aim of the study is to identify the features of the search for a national hero in Finnish opera art. The paper sheds light on the main milestones in the history of Finnish opera (the iconic works of J. Sibelius, E. Melartin, L. Madetoja, A. Launis are considered); the history of the emergence of pietism in Finland, a Protestant religious movement that influenced the formation of Finnish national identity, as well as the solution of the problem of the opera hero in Finland, is described; special attention is paid to characterising the structural and compositional features of the opera “The Last Temptations” (1975), dedicated to the life and fate of the Finnish pietist Paavo Ruotsalainen, written by Joonas Kokkonen, one of the most significant Finnish composers of the XX century. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the paper identifies the peculiarities of the interpretation of Ruotsalainen’s character, perceived since the XX century as a great national figure, in a work ranked among the best examples of Finnish national opera. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that the history of Finnish opera in general and the search for its heroes in particular occupies an important place in the history of the development of European opera art.


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Author information

Vera Ivanovna Nilova


Petrozavodsk State Glazunov Conservatoire

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: September 24, 2023.
  • Published: November 24, 2023.


  • финская опера
  • оперный герой
  • пиетизм
  • Й. Кокконен
  • опера «Последние искушения»
  • Finnish opera
  • opera hero
  • pietism
  • J. Kokkonen
  • opera “The Last Temptations”


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