• Original research article
  • December 21, 2023
  • Open access

Jacques Champion de Chambonnières and French harpsichord school of the 17th century


This research article is aimed at showing the importance of the creative heritage of Jacques Champion de Chambonnières (1601/02-1672) who was a harpsichordist, composer, teacher and founder of the French harpsichord school. In the article the brief biography of Chambonnières is given and the musical creative activity of his pupils and followers Louis Couperin and Jean-Henri d’Anglebert is introduced. It is important to mention that Chambonnières’ harpsichord heritage by exception of preludes is penetrated with dance character. The scientific novelty lies in the definition of the peculiarities of monolithic harpsichord style of Chambonnières. As the result, it is proved that Louis Couperin (about 1626-1661) continued to develop the dance forms that made the basis of his teacher’s work. But Couperin’s musical work is characterized by a more complicated musical language, more detail study of texture and imitation material, rhythmic sophistication. The musical heritage of Jean-Henri d’Anglebert (1629-1691) became a unique model for harpsichordists in and outside France, especially for I. S. Bach.


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  5. Fuller D. Chambonnières, Jacques Champion, Sieur de // New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2001.
  6. Fuller D. Couperin, Louis // New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2001.
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Author information

Olga Alexandrovna Beletskaya


Moscow Pedagogical State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: September 19, 2023.
  • Published: December 21, 2023.


  • музыкальное наследие Жака Шампиона де Шамбоньера
  • французская клавесинная школа
  • Луи Куперен
  • Жан-Анри д'Англебер
  • music heritage of Jacques Champion de Chambonnières
  • French harpsichord school
  • Louis Couperin
  • Jean-Henri d’Anglebert


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