The role of Heydar Aliyev in the history of the South Caucasus (1969-1982)
The main purpose of the study is to draw attention to the role of the personality factor in the economic, social and cultural development of the Azerbaijan SSR among the 15 republics of the Soviet Union from the 1960s to the 1980s. The article analyzes the essence of the purposeful policy of the national leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev, who led the country during the Soviet years, and identifies the main direction of the socio-economic development of the South Caucasus during that period. Scientific innovation: the role of the personality factor in the transformation of the Azerbaijan SSR into the leading republic of the South Caucasus was identified. The leadership characteristics of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, as well as the influence of his relations with other political figures represented in the government of the USSR on the overall processes of historical development were determined. As a result, it was noted that the period of Heydar Aliyev’s political and statehood activities covering the years 1969-1982 can also be characterized as a period of true development, progress, revival, and return to national self-awareness after the Sovietization of Azerbaijan. Heydar Aliyev’s policy transformed Azerbaijan from the most backward republic included in the Soviet Union into the most rapidly developing country of the South Caucasus.
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Author information
About this article
The work is carried out within the framework of the scientific dissertation “The activities of Heydar Aliyev in the context of the history of the peoples of the Caucasus”, the scientific supervisor is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Irada M. Huseynova.
Publication history
- Received: December 15, 2023.
- Published: February 2, 2024.
- Гейдар Алиев
- Азербайджан
- экономическое развитие
- личность
- Heydar Aliyev
- Azerbaijan
- economic development
- personality
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