Transformation of professional ethics in digital culture
Digitalization generates cultural, social, economic, axiological and ethical transformations. Due to the transfer of professional activity to the digital space, the field of professional ethics is also undergoing changes, which becomes part of the so-called digital ethics, forming a new digital culture. The article proves that the digitalization of professional ethics creates a situation of uncertainty, forming ethical risks. The purpose of the study is to identify the risks of digitalization of professional ethics in modern digital culture. The article identifies the current content of digital ethics and professional ethics, examines their relationship and the level of mutual influence. The scientific novelty of the research lies in analyzing the transformation of professional ethics in the digital space. Thus, the article concludes that professional ethics during the transition to the digital space becomes a part of digital ethics. This changes the understanding of the value of the good and affects the ideas about the content of professional ethics. As a result, the ethical risks of professional ethics in digital culture are identified, which include the dehumanization of the ethical principles of the profession and the algorithmization of ethical expertise.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 24, 2024.
- Published: November 29, 2024.
- цифровая культура
- этико-нормативное регулирование в профессиональной сфере
- цифровая этика
- кодекс профессиональной этики
- цифровое пространство
- этические риски
- digital culture
- ethical and normative regulation in the professional sphere
- digital ethics
- code of professional ethics
- digital space
- ethical risks
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