Rural settlements of the Tyumen district of the Ural region in the first third of the 20th century
The purpose of the study is to characterize the network of rural settlements of Siberian Tatars in the Tyumen district of the Ural region. Quantitative indicators of the Tatar population in the settlements of the district, the ratio of rural and urban Tatars, as well as the impact of administrative and territorial reforms of the Soviet government on the Tatar population of the Tyumen district are considered. The novelty of the work is determined by the weak level of scrutiny of the history of the Tatar population of Western Siberia in the 20th century, as well as the introduction of new materials on the topic into scientific circulation. As a result, based on the information of the All-Union Census of 1926 it is revealed that the zoning reform carried out in the 1920s led to significant transformations, considerably changing the previous administrative and territorial structure. The Tyumen District has increased geographically, but the main areas of residence of Tatars in the Tyumen District, as in the previous period, remained the territories of the Tyumen, Yalutorovsk, Yarkovsk and Nizhne-Tavdinsk districts. The number of the Tatar population is increasing, including due to the mass resettlement of Volga and Ural Tatars. The number of urban Tatar population is significantly increasing. The former mono-ethnicity of the Tatar settlements is gradually being lost. By eliminating the former volost structure, the Soviet reform had an impact on the final erasure of the former social and, to a certain extent, ethnic differences within the Turkic-Tatar community.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 14, 2024.
- Published: December 4, 2024.
- Уральская область
- Тюменский округ
- сельские поселения
- первая треть ХХ в
- Всесоюзная перепись 1926 г
- Ural region
- Tyumen district
- rural settlements
- the first third of the twentieth century
- The All-Union Census of 1926
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