• Original research article
  • December 24, 2024
  • Open access

Chronological evidence relating to the reign of the Khans of Sartak and Ulagchi


This article examines the chronological evidence of historical sources relating to the reign of the Khans Sartaq and Ulaghchi in the Ulus of Jochi. The purpose of the study is to establish the accuracy and reliability of the dating information contained in such historical sources as Arabic sources, Russian chronicles and the Jami' at-Tawarikh of Rashid al-Din. In the article, the author carries out a detailed analysis of the chronological elements relating to the reign of the Khans Sartaq and Ulaghchi. The chronological evidence was verified by the methods of historical chronology, for example, cross-checking, which was used to compare the information of Russian chronicles, Syro-Egyptian compilations and Jami' at-Tawarikh of the Ilkhan vizier Rashid al-Din. Historians have studied in detail the aspects related to the reign of the khans Sartaq and Ulaghchi, but the author of the article believes that their predecessors did not pay enough attention to the contradictory dating evidence contained in the sources. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that historians carried out a textual analysis of the works, but the chronology of events seemed consistent to them and the chronological evidence was subjected to a comprehensive study for the first time. As a result of a thorough analysis and application of historical chronology methods, a historical and chronological reconstruction of past events was reproduced. According to the cross-checking method both more accurate and reliable and unreliable chronological elements contained in the Syro-Egyptian works and Russian chronicles were established. The information from the sources made it possible to attribute the reign of Khan Sartaq to the time period of 1252-1254, and Ulagchi to 1254-1255. Attributing the reign of the Khans Sartaq and Ulaghchi to years outside the specified chronological framework is erroneous.


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Author information

Vladislav Alekseevich Chichinov

National Museum of the Altai Republic, Gorno-Altaysk

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 14, 2024.
  • Published: December 24, 2024.


  • историческая хронология
  • русские летописи
  • арабские хроники
  • датирование событий
  • Золотая Орда
  • Джами ат-Таварих Рашид-ад-Дина
  • historian chronology
  • Russian chronicles
  • Arabian annals
  • dating of events
  • Golden Horde
  • Jami' at-Tawarikh of Rashid al-Din


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