• Original research article
  • July 27, 2018
  • Open access



In the era of humanism crisis, the anthropodicy problem becomes one of substantial philosophical problems. Within the framework of a new “anthropological turn”, the philosophers of the XX century sought to offer a variety of options for “justifying a man”. M. K. Mamardashvili was no exception. His philosophy is aesthetic-axiological anthropology, where anthropodicy is a system-forming principle, by which all the “non-academic” philosophical concepts of the thinker come together. Assuming the aesthetic-existential approach to the practice of thinking as fundamental one, the philosopher creates his own aesthetic-hermeneutic version of anthropodicy as the most meaningful being of a man, where the cognitive-aesthetic subject does not allow himself to “forget everything” in being, permanently experiencing the “passionate” need to “be fulfilled” and “be realized”, to gain “understanding” of the unique value of one’s own perceptible-individual existence.


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Author information

Yanina Yur'evna Petryk

Kuban State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 27, 2018.
  • Published: July 27, 2018.


  • антроподицея
  • патематика
  • эстезис
  • эмоция
  • человек
  • сознание
  • герменевтика
  • anthropodicy
  • pathematics
  • aesthesis
  • emotion
  • man
  • consciousness
  • hermeneutics


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