• Original research article
  • May 10, 2019
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the problems of teaching philosophy of technology in the process of training highly qualified personnel in technical specialities. According to the authors’ point of view, there is a certain contradiction between engineering ideas about nature and tasks of philosophy of technology and the focus of the development of this field in modern philosophy, which is largely the critique of technology. The authors give an overview of the problems of philosophy of technology, the analysis of which they consider expedient in this course, and suggest accentuation designed to remove this contradiction. The directions of self-guided work organisation for students and post-graduate students are proposed with regard to training specialisation.


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Author information

Elena Olegovna Akishina

Siberian Transport University

Natal'ya Ivanovna Martishina

Siberian Transport University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: February 21, 2019.
  • Published: May 10, 2019.


  • философия техники
  • философия науки
  • учебные дисциплины
  • инженерное образование
  • гуманитаризация образования
  • магистратура
  • аспирантура
  • philosophy of technology
  • philosophy of science
  • academic disciplines
  • engineering education
  • priority of the humanities in education
  • master’s degree course
  • post-graduate study


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